Hosting services can vary massively from one provider to another. What you might get from one is hidden behind a pay wall or not even an option from another. The way your website performs and how much work you need to do to keep your website safe and working can vary so much. If you'd like your hosting to be customisable, flexible yet easy, we'd like to introduce you to manage hosting. Nimbus' managed hosting is the perfect balance between ease of use and complete customisation. Let's delve a bit deeper, shall we?
What is Managed Hosting?
Managed hosting is like having a personal chef for your website. Instead of doing all the food prep and cooking (server management) yourself, a team of experts takes care of it. Your hosting provider will handle everything, including server setup, maintenance, security, and performance optimisation. You just focus on the content and running your business and leave the technical stuff to the pros. It’s a hands-off, worry-free way to keep your site running smoothly.
Managed hosting has a lot of benefits over unmanaged hosting. Let’s explore these benefits next.
Managed vs unmanaged hosting
First up, we need to draw your attention to the word: managed. Because managed hosting and plain old unmanaged hosting just aren’t the same thing.

Managed hosting doesn’t just mean a spot to sit your website on. It means a team that helps you look after your servers and deal with whatever maintenance and security issues come up. Unmanaged hosting is just server space. No services, no support. If you’re a total tech genius with bags of time on your hands, it’s a great cost-saving option. But if you’re not, managed is the way to go.
But even within managed hosting, there can be big differences in what hosting companies provide. It’s really important to know what’s included in your package, what’s going to cost extra, and what’s beyond your hosting provider’s scope.
With that in mind, here’s what managed hosting means at Nimbus…
Further reading: Managed vs unmanaged VPS hosting
Managed Hosting Features From Nimbus
Our very own hosting platform for creatives will give you a smart, simple control panel. Managing your servers, software, users and access. Our hosting services include solutions for Ecommerce, WordPress, PHP Applications and Magento.

Discover our all-in-one hosting platform.
Our website hosting platform is full of tools to make managing your client portfolio easier than ever.Server hardware
This is the physical server your website sits on at our data centre in North London. With extremely robust security and intelligent design, the centre’s set up for optimum power, all the time. Our data centre is fully supported to maintain Virtus’ 100% uptime record, certified to BS27001 & ISO 27001, and built to a Tier 3 spec!
Network infrastructure
Your network infrastructure is the connection that gets your users to your website. We’ll create it and keep it running smoothly for you.
Virtual private servers
When you don’t need the full power of a dedicated server or private cloud, by utilising virtualisation software we can provide you with your very own virtual private server. This means that we can give you all the space and power you need, completely protected from other clients and not contended.
Monitoring your servers
We’ll proactively monitor your network and servers to make sure they’re live, as well as keeping an eye on memory and CPU, sending alerts when they’re low and fixing crashes before you spot a problem. For extra security and transparency, we even do it from our second data centre.
Offsite backups
We’ll backup your website, offsite every night as standard. We’ll also keep a 14-day history available in our platform (with upgrades available for 28-days slots), where you restore in just a couple of clicks. Need to take an instant backup of your site yourself? You can do that in 1-click within our platform too.
PCI compliance
If you run an e-commerce site, PCI compliance is a real must for security. Simply switch it on fast and free, with just one click of a toggle.
Power boosts
We give every Nimbus customer four free power boosts every year. Supercharging your memory and CPU for a week at a time to get you through traffic spikes (Black Friday, Christmas, etc.), help you fix memory issues or test out new ideas before taking them live.
Extra services you can add to your package
So, that’s a quick overview of what managed hosting is and what it means here at Nimbus. But it’s not the whole story. We’re also here with friendly, personalised help and advice, whatever’s on your mind, whenever you need us. Like to talk it through? Just drop us a line or call our team on 0208 146 6797. They love a natter and are happy to help.